I am a creative on the journey towards inner peace and personal and community healing. I am a disciple of the divine mother and work with all gifts of mother nature to create things of art and find union with my higher consciousness. I write poems, sing songs of devotion, make folk art, do my own natural dyeing at home from flowers and plants, make my own jewelry from things of the forest, knit and embroider, make short films, follow ayurveda and plant healing, work with earth and spend a lot of time communing with mother nature and meditating on the scared energy. I believe in and live with the magic of nature, Kali herself. I recently moved from Los Angeles to Pittsburgh to find deeper connection with nature and live a quiet and simple life. I share in the journal here some of my experiences as I open to many new worlds of spiritual and creative work.

My published poetry chapbooks are ‘Water Bearer’s Song’ (Finishing Line Press) and  ‘Lion’s Tooth On Migrating Chests’ (The Soap Box Press). Some of my other work has appeared in Gone Lawn, Platform Review, Genre Urban Arts, Kitaab, Indian Periodical, Peeking Cat, Eunoia review, Somnia Blue and Thirty West Publishing house. You can reach me at paliwalvaishali@gmail.com.


Water Bearer’s Song, Finishing Line Press. Buy here



Lion’s Tooth on Migrating Chests, The Soapbox Press. Buy here


Short stories Mandala and Tales of Expansion: Gone Lawn Journal

Proof:  Kitaab

Isle: Peeking Cat Poetry Journal Issue 30

Once there was a village: Indian Periodical

Famine, Silk, Not here: Somnia Blue

People of the ocean, Untouchables: Genre Urban Arts

Vaishali’s poetry is raw and passionate as she writes about her family history, culture, and migration in a remarkable way. She tells a story, and personal history, that is important to learn and a gift to read.

Tali Voron

My letters to you of nature and her magic